In northern Spain, in the northern Plateau, is the Sierra de Atapuerca, a small mountain of 1,085 m high, located about 15 km east of the city of Burgos. The Sierra is surrounded by rivers Pico, Vena and Arlanzón. This saw is part of the last mountains of the Iberian, separated from the southern edge of the Cantabrian Mountains by a tectonic corridor (known as the 'Strait of Burgos') that links depression Basin Tertiary Duero and Ebro, two of the major rivers of Spain, becoming a natural step for penetration into the Iberian Peninsula. Likewise stands at a crossroads at the confluence of climatic influences biogeographic Mediterranean, Atlantic and Continental, promoting the coexistence of a wide variety of flora and fauna and the presence of an ecosystem (with a great diversity of biotopes), which was used by different groups human over time.
La Sierra de Atapuerca corresponde tectónicamente a un anticlinal tumbado con vergencia NE y de dirección ibérica NNW-SSE que se desarrolla en rocas calizas del Cretácico superior (entre 80 y 100 millones de años) de origen marino. En los bordes de la Sierra, apoyándose sobre las capas inclinadas de este anticlinal, aparecen materiales de edad terciaria (entre 25 y 5 millones de años) de origen continental, formados por conglomerados calizos y arcillas rojas del Oligoceno, sobre los que se superpone, más o menos horizontalmente, una secuencia litológica de margas, arcillas, yesos y paquetes calizos y margosos, propios del ambiente lacustre de la Cuenca del Duero.
A finales del Plioceno e inicios del Pleistoceno el río Arlanzón comienza a excavar su valle fluvial, que presenta un perfil escalonado con 15 niveles de terrazas, fuertemente asimétrico a su paso por la Sierra de Atapuerca, cuya cumbre resaltaría apenas cincuenta metros sobre su terraza superior.
The Sierra de Atapuerca tectonically corresponds to a NE-verging anticline lying and NNW-SSE direction Iberian taking place in Upper Cretaceous limestone (between 80 and 100 million years) of marine origin. At the edges of the Sierra, based on dipping beds of the anticline, are materials of Tertiary age (25 to 5 million years) of continental origin, formed by calcareous conglomerates and red clays of the Oligocene, over which is superimposed, more or less horizontally, a lithologic sequence of marl, clay, gypsum and limestone and marly packages, typical of lacustrine Duero Basin.
In late Pliocene and early Pleistocene the river begins to dig his Arlanzón river valley, which has a stepped profile with 15 levels of terraces, strongly asymmetric as it passes through the Sierra de Atapuerca, whose summit would highlight just fifty meters above the upper terrace .
In late Pliocene and early Pleistocene the river begins to dig his Arlanzón river valley, which has a stepped profile with 15 levels of terraces, strongly asymmetric as it passes through the Sierra de Atapuerca, whose summit would highlight just fifty meters above the upper terrace .
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